; Test the handling of base + 12-bit displacement addresses for large frames, ; in cases where no 20-bit form exists. The tests here assume z10 register ; pressure, without the high words being available. ; ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -mcpu=z10 | \ ; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-NOFP %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -mcpu=z10 -disable-fp-elim | \ ; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FP %s ; This file tests what happens when a displacement is converted from ; being relative to the start of a frame object to being relative to ; the frame itself. In some cases the test is only possible if two ; objects are allocated. ; ; Rather than rely on a particular order for those objects, the tests ; instead allocate two objects of the same size and apply the test to ; both of them. For consistency, all tests follow this model, even if ; one object would actually be enough. ; First check the highest in-range offset after conversion, which is 4092 ; for word-addressing instructions like MVHI. ; ; The last in-range doubleword offset is 4088. Since the frame has two ; emergency spill slots at 160(%r15), the amount that we need to allocate ; in order to put another object at offset 4088 is (4088 - 176) / 4 = 978 ; words. define void @f1() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4092(%r15), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f1: ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4092(%r11), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 1 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Test the first out-of-range offset. We cannot use an index register here. define void @f2() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 4096(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 0(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f2: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 4096(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 0(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 2 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 2 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Test the next offset after that. define void @f3() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 4096(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f3: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 4096(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 3 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 3 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Add 4096 bytes (1024 words) to the size of each object and repeat. define void @f4() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 4096(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4092(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f4: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 4096(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4092(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 1 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; ...as above. define void @f5() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f5: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 8192(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 0(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f5: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 8192(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 0(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 2 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 2 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; ...as above. define void @f6() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 8192(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f6: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 8192(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2002 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 3 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2002 x i32], [2002 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 3 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Now try an offset of 4092 from the start of the object, with the object ; being at offset 8192. This time we need objects of (8192 - 176) / 4 = 2004 ; words. define void @f7() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 8192(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4092(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f7: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 8192(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4092(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2004 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2004 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2004 x i32], [2004 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 1023 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2004 x i32], [2004 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 1023 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Keep the object-relative offset the same but bump the size of the ; objects by one doubleword. define void @f8() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f8: ; CHECK-NOFP: lay %r1, 12288(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f8: ; CHECK-FP: lay %r1, 12288(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 4(%r1), 42 ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2006 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2006 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2006 x i32], [2006 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 1023 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2006 x i32], [2006 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 1023 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Check a case where the original displacement is out of range. The backend ; should force STY to be used instead. define void @f9() { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f9: ; CHECK-NOFP: lhi [[TMP:%r[0-5]]], 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: sty [[TMP]], 12296(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f9: ; CHECK-FP: lhi [[TMP:%r[0-5]]], 42 ; CHECK-FP: sty [[TMP]], 12296(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %region1 = alloca [2006 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [2006 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [2006 x i32], [2006 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 1024 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [2006 x i32], [2006 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 1024 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 ret void } ; Repeat f2 in a case that needs the emergency spill slots (because all ; call-clobbered registers are live and no call-saved ones have been ; allocated). define void @f10(i32 *%vptr) { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f10: ; CHECK-NOFP: stg [[REGISTER:%r[1-9][0-4]?]], [[OFFSET:160|168]](%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: lay [[REGISTER]], 4096(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 0([[REGISTER]]), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: lg [[REGISTER]], [[OFFSET]](%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 ; ; CHECK-FP-LABEL: f10: ; CHECK-FP: stg [[REGISTER:%r[1-9][0-4]?]], [[OFFSET:160|168]](%r11) ; CHECK-FP: lay [[REGISTER]], 4096(%r11) ; CHECK-FP: mvhi 0([[REGISTER]]), 42 ; CHECK-FP: lg [[REGISTER]], [[OFFSET]](%r11) ; CHECK-FP: br %r14 %i0 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i1 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i3 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i4 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i5 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %region1 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 2 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 2 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 store volatile i32 %i0, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i1, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i3, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i4, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i5, i32 *%vptr ret void } ; And again with maximum register pressure. The only spill slots that the ; NOFP case needs are the emergency ones, so the offsets are the same as for f2. ; The FP case needs to spill an extra register and is too dependent on ; register allocation heuristics for a stable test. define void @f11(i32 *%vptr) { ; CHECK-NOFP-LABEL: f11: ; CHECK-NOFP: stmg %r6, %r15, ; CHECK-NOFP: stg [[REGISTER:%r[1-9][0-4]?]], [[OFFSET:160|168]](%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: lay [[REGISTER]], 4096(%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: mvhi 0([[REGISTER]]), 42 ; CHECK-NOFP: lg [[REGISTER]], [[OFFSET]](%r15) ; CHECK-NOFP: lmg %r6, %r15, ; CHECK-NOFP: br %r14 %i0 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i1 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i3 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i4 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i5 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i6 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i7 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i8 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i9 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i10 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i11 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i12 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i13 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %i14 = load volatile i32 *%vptr %region1 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %region2 = alloca [978 x i32], align 8 %ptr1 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region1, i64 0, i64 2 %ptr2 = getelementptr inbounds [978 x i32], [978 x i32]* %region2, i64 0, i64 2 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr1 store volatile i32 42, i32 *%ptr2 store volatile i32 %i0, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i1, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i3, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i4, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i5, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i6, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i7, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i8, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i9, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i10, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i11, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i12, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i13, i32 *%vptr store volatile i32 %i14, i32 *%vptr ret void }