; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=EL %s ; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips4 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=EB %s ; RUN: llc -march=mips64el -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=EL %s ; RUN: llc -march=mips64 -mcpu=mips64 -mattr=n64 < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=EB %s %struct.SLL = type { i64 } %struct.SI = type { i32 } %struct.SUI = type { i32 } @sll = common global %struct.SLL zeroinitializer, align 1 @si = common global %struct.SI zeroinitializer, align 1 @sui = common global %struct.SUI zeroinitializer, align 1 define i64 @foo_load_ll() nounwind readonly { entry: ; EL: ldl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 7($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EL: ldr $[[R0]], 0($[[R1]]) ; EB: ldl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EB: ldr $[[R0]], 7($[[R1]]) %0 = load i64* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.SLL* @sll, i64 0, i32 0), align 1 ret i64 %0 } define i64 @foo_load_i() nounwind readonly { entry: ; EL: lwl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 3($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EL: lwr $[[R0]], 0($[[R1]]) ; EB: lwl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EB: lwr $[[R0]], 3($[[R1]]) %0 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.SI* @si, i64 0, i32 0), align 1 %conv = sext i32 %0 to i64 ret i64 %conv } define i64 @foo_load_ui() nounwind readonly { entry: ; EL: lwl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 3($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EL: lwr $[[R0]], 0($[[R1]]) ; EL: daddiu $[[R2:[0-9]+]], $zero, 1 ; EL: dsll $[[R3:[0-9]+]], $[[R2]], 32 ; EL: daddiu $[[R4:[0-9]+]], $[[R3]], -1 ; EL: and ${{[0-9]+}}, $[[R0]], $[[R4]] ; EB: lwl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EB: lwr $[[R0]], 3($[[R1]]) %0 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.SUI* @sui, i64 0, i32 0), align 1 %conv = zext i32 %0 to i64 ret i64 %conv } define void @foo_store_ll(i64 %a) nounwind { entry: ; EL: sdl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 7($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EL: sdr $[[R0]], 0($[[R1]]) ; EB: sdl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EB: sdr $[[R0]], 7($[[R1]]) store i64 %a, i64* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.SLL* @sll, i64 0, i32 0), align 1 ret void } define void @foo_store_i(i32 %a) nounwind { entry: ; EL: swl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 3($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EL: swr $[[R0]], 0($[[R1]]) ; EB: swl $[[R0:[0-9]+]], 0($[[R1:[0-9]+]]) ; EB: swr $[[R0]], 3($[[R1]]) store i32 %a, i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.SI* @si, i64 0, i32 0), align 1 ret void }