; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=arm && ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=arm | grep "ldrb.*7" | wc -l | grep 1 ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -march=arm | grep "ldrsb.*7" | wc -l | grep 1 %struct.A = type { i8, i8, i8, i8, i16, i8, i8, %struct.B** } %struct.B = type { float, float, i32, i32, i32, [0 x i8] } define i8 @f1(%struct.A* %d) { %tmp2 = getelementptr %struct.A* %d, i32 0, i32 4 %tmp23 = bitcast i16* %tmp2 to i32* %tmp4 = load i32* %tmp23 %tmp512 = lshr i32 %tmp4, 24 %tmp56 = trunc i32 %tmp512 to i8 ret i8 %tmp56 } define i32 @f2(%struct.A* %d) { %tmp2 = getelementptr %struct.A* %d, i32 0, i32 4 %tmp23 = bitcast i16* %tmp2 to i32* %tmp4 = load i32* %tmp23 %tmp512 = lshr i32 %tmp4, 24 %tmp56 = trunc i32 %tmp512 to i8 %tmp57 = sext i8 %tmp56 to i32 ret i32 %tmp57 }