; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=armv7-linux-gnueabihf -o - | FileCheck %s ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7em-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-m4 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-M4F target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-v128:64:128-n32-S64" define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1float({ float } %a) { call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1float({ float } { float 1.0 }) ret void ; CHECK-LABEL: test_1float: ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK: bl test_1float ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_1float: ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_1float } define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_2float({ float, float } %a) { call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_2float({ float, float } { float 1.0, float 2.0 }) ret void ; CHECK-LABEL: test_2float: ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s1, #2.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK: bl test_2float ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_2float: ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s1, #2.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_2float } define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_3float({ float, float, float } %a) { call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_3float({ float, float, float } { float 1.0, float 2.0, float 3.0 }) ret void ; CHECK-LABEL: test_3float: ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s1, #2.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f32 s2, #3.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK: bl test_3float ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_3float: ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s1, #2.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov.f32 s2, #3.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_3float } define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double({ double } %a) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_1double: ; CHECK-DAG: vmov.f64 d0, #1.{{0+}}e+00 ; CHECK: bl test_1double ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_1double: ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONEHI:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONELO:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movt [[ONEHI]], #16368 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov s0, [[ONELO]] ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: vmov s1, [[ONEHI]] ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_1double call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double({ double } { double 1.0 }) ret void } ; Final double argument might be put in s15 & [sp] if we're careless. It should ; go all on the stack. define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double_nosplit([4 x float], [4 x double], [3 x float], double %a) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_1double_nosplit: ; CHECK-DAG: mov [[ONELO:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-DAG: movw [[ONEHI:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-DAG: movt [[ONEHI]], #16368 ; CHECK: strd [[ONELO]], [[ONEHI]], [sp] ; CHECK: bl test_1double_nosplit ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_1double_nosplit: ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONELO:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONEHI:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movt [[ONEHI]], #16368 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: str [[ONELO]], [sp] ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: str [[ONEHI]], [sp, #4] ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_1double_nosplit call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double_nosplit([4 x float] undef, [4 x double] undef, [3 x float] undef, double 1.0) ret void } ; Final double argument might go at [sp, #4] if we're careless. Should go at ; [sp, #8] to preserve alignment. define arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double_misaligned([4 x double], [4 x double], float, double) { call arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @test_1double_misaligned([4 x double] undef, [4 x double] undef, float undef, double 1.0) ; CHECK-LABEL: test_1double_misaligned: ; CHECK-DAG: movw [[ONEHI:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-DAG: mov [[ONELO:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-DAG: movt [[ONEHI]], #16368 ; CHECK-DAG: strd [[ONELO]], [[ONEHI]], [sp, #8] ; CHECK-M4F-LABEL: test_1double_misaligned: ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONELO:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movs [[ONEHI:r[0-9]+]], #0 ; CHECK-M4F: movt [[ONEHI]], #16368 ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: str [[ONELO]], [sp, #8] ; CHECK-M4F-DAG: str [[ONEHI]], [sp, #12] ; CHECK-M4F: bl test_1double_misaligned ret void }