; RUN: verify-uselistorder < %s @a = global [4 x i1] [i1 0, i1 1, i1 0, i1 1] @b = alias i1* getelementptr ([4 x i1]* @a, i64 0, i64 2) ; Check use-list order of constants used by globals. @glob1 = global i5 7 @glob2 = global i5 7 @glob3 = global i5 7 ; Check use-list order between variables and aliases. @target = global i3 zeroinitializer @alias1 = alias i3* @target @alias2 = alias i3* @target @alias3 = alias i3* @target @var1 = global i3* @target @var2 = global i3* @target @var3 = global i3* @target ; Check use-list order for a global when used both by a global and in a ; function. @globalAndFunction = global i4 4 @globalAndFunctionGlobalUser = global i4* @globalAndFunction ; Check use-list order for constants used by globals that are themselves used ; as aliases. This confirms that this globals are recognized as GlobalValues ; (not general constants). @const.global = global i63 0 @const.global.ptr = global i63* @const.global @const.global.2 = global i63 0 ; Same as above, but for aliases. @const.target = global i62 1 @const.alias = alias i62* @const.target @const.alias.ptr = alias i62* @const.alias @const.alias.2 = alias i62* @const.target define i64 @f(i64 %f) { entry: %sum = add i64 %f, 0 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @g(i64 %g) { entry: %sum = add i64 %g, 0 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @h(i64 %h) { entry: %sum = add i64 %h, 0 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @i(i64 %i) { entry: %sum = add i64 %i, 1 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @j(i64 %j) { entry: %sum = add i64 %j, 1 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @k(i64 %k) { entry: %sum = add i64 %k, 1 ret i64 %sum } define i64 @l(i64 %l) { entry: %sum = add i64 %l, 1 ret i64 %sum } define i1 @loadb() { entry: %b = load i1, i1* @b ret i1 %b } define i1 @loada() { entry: %a = load i1, i1* getelementptr ([4 x i1]* @a, i64 0, i64 2) ret i1 %a } define i32 @f32(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c, i32 %d) { entry: br label %first second: %eh = mul i32 %e, %h %sum = add i32 %eh, %ef br label %exit exit: %product = phi i32 [%ef, %first], [%sum, %second] ret i32 %product first: %e = add i32 %a, 7 %f = add i32 %b, 7 %g = add i32 %c, 8 %h = add i32 %d, 8 %ef = mul i32 %e, %f %gh = mul i32 %g, %h %gotosecond = icmp slt i32 %gh, -9 br i1 %gotosecond, label %second, label %exit } define i4 @globalAndFunctionFunctionUser() { entry: %local = load i4, i4* @globalAndFunction ret i4 %local } ; Check for when an instruction is its own user. define void @selfUser(i1 %a) { entry: ret void loop1: br label %loop2 loop2: %var = phi i32 [ %var, %loop1 ], [ %var, %loop2 ] br label %loop2 } ; Check that block addresses work. @ba1 = constant i8* blockaddress (@bafunc1, %bb) @ba2 = constant i8* getelementptr (i8* blockaddress (@bafunc2, %bb), i61 0) @ba3 = constant i8* getelementptr (i8* blockaddress (@bafunc2, %bb), i61 0) define i8* @babefore() { ret i8* getelementptr (i8* blockaddress (@bafunc2, %bb), i61 0) bb1: ret i8* blockaddress (@bafunc1, %bb) bb2: ret i8* blockaddress (@bafunc3, %bb) } define void @bafunc1() { unreachable bb: unreachable } define void @bafunc2() { unreachable bb: unreachable } define void @bafunc3() { unreachable bb: unreachable } define i8* @baafter() { ret i8* blockaddress (@bafunc2, %bb) bb1: ret i8* blockaddress (@bafunc1, %bb) bb2: ret i8* blockaddress (@bafunc3, %bb) }