; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llvm-dis | llvm-as | llvm-dis | FileCheck %s ; RUN: verify-uselistorder %s -preserve-bc-use-list-order ; Verify that over-indexed getelementptrs are folded. @A = external global [2 x [3 x [5 x [7 x i32]]]] @B = global i32* getelementptr ([2 x [3 x [5 x [7 x i32]]]]* @A, i64 0, i64 0, i64 2, i64 1, i64 7523) ; CHECK: @B = global i32* getelementptr ([2 x [3 x [5 x [7 x i32]]]]* @A, i64 36, i64 0, i64 1, i64 0, i64 5) @C = global i32* getelementptr ([2 x [3 x [5 x [7 x i32]]]]* @A, i64 3, i64 2, i64 0, i64 0, i64 7523) ; CHECK: @C = global i32* getelementptr ([2 x [3 x [5 x [7 x i32]]]]* @A, i64 39, i64 1, i64 1, i64 4, i64 5) ; Verify that i16 indices work. @x = external global {i32, i32} @y = global i32* getelementptr ({ i32, i32 }* @x, i16 42, i32 0) ; CHECK: @y = global i32* getelementptr ({ i32, i32 }* @x, i16 42, i32 0) ; See if i92 indices work too. define i32 *@test({i32, i32}* %t, i92 %n) { ; CHECK: @test ; CHECK: %B = getelementptr { i32, i32 }* %t, i92 %n, i32 0 %B = getelementptr {i32, i32}* %t, i92 %n, i32 0 ret i32* %B } ; Verify that constant expression vector GEPs work. @z = global <2 x i32*> getelementptr (<2 x [3 x {i32, i32}]*> zeroinitializer, <2 x i32> , <2 x i32> , <2 x i32> ) ; Verify that struct GEP works with a vector of pointers. define <2 x i32*> @test7(<2 x {i32, i32}*> %a) { %w = getelementptr <2 x {i32, i32}*> %a, <2 x i32> , <2 x i32> zeroinitializer ret <2 x i32*> %w } ; Verify that array GEP works with a vector of pointers. define <2 x i8*> @test8(<2 x [2 x i8]*> %a) { %w = getelementptr <2 x [2 x i8]*> %a, <2 x i32> , <2 x i8> ret <2 x i8*> %w }