; This testcase consists of alias relations which should be completely ; resolvable by basicaa. ; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | \ ; RUN: opt -aa-eval -print-may-aliases -disable-output |& not grep May: %T = type { uint, [10 x ubyte] } void %test(%T* %P) { %A = getelementptr %T* %P, long 0 %B = getelementptr %T* %P, long 0, uint 0 %C = getelementptr %T* %P, long 0, uint 1 %D = getelementptr %T* %P, long 0, uint 1, long 0 %E = getelementptr %T* %P, long 0, uint 1, long 5 ret void }