CommandLine 2.0 Library Manual
  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start Guide
    1. Boolean Arguments
    2. Argument Aliases
    3. Selecting an alternative from a set of possibilities
    4. Named alternatives
    5. Parsing a list of options
  3. Reference Guide
    1. Option Modifiers:
      • Controlling whether or not the option is shown by --help
      • Controlling the number of occurances required and allowed
      • Controlling whether or not a value must be specified
      • Controlling other formatting options
    2. Positional Arguments
    3. Internal vs External Storage
    4. The option classes
      • The opt<> class
      • The list<> class
      • The alias class
  4. Extension Guide
    1. Writing a custom parser
    2. Exploiting external storage
    3. Dynamically adding command line options


Quick Start Guide
   Boolean Arguments
   Argument Aliases
   Selecting an alternative from a set of possibilities
   Named Alternatives
   Parsing a list of options
Reference Guide
Extension Guide

Chris Lattner
Last modified: Thu Jul 25 14:25:50 CDT 2002