coresight: etm4x: splitting etmv4 default configuration
[firefly-linux-kernel-4.4.55.git] / drivers / hwtracing / coresight / coresight-etm4x.h
1 /* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
2  *
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
5  * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
6  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.
11  */
16 #include <linux/spinlock.h>
17 #include "coresight-priv.h"
19 /*
20  * Device registers:
21  * 0x000 - 0x2FC: Trace         registers
22  * 0x300 - 0x314: Management    registers
23  * 0x318 - 0xEFC: Trace         registers
24  * 0xF00: Management            registers
25  * 0xFA0 - 0xFA4: Trace         registers
26  * 0xFA8 - 0xFFC: Management    registers
27  */
28 /* Trace registers (0x000-0x2FC) */
29 /* Main control and configuration registers */
30 #define TRCPRGCTLR                      0x004
31 #define TRCPROCSELR                     0x008
32 #define TRCSTATR                        0x00C
33 #define TRCCONFIGR                      0x010
34 #define TRCAUXCTLR                      0x018
35 #define TRCEVENTCTL0R                   0x020
36 #define TRCEVENTCTL1R                   0x024
37 #define TRCSTALLCTLR                    0x02C
38 #define TRCTSCTLR                       0x030
39 #define TRCSYNCPR                       0x034
40 #define TRCCCCTLR                       0x038
41 #define TRCBBCTLR                       0x03C
42 #define TRCTRACEIDR                     0x040
43 #define TRCQCTLR                        0x044
44 /* Filtering control registers */
45 #define TRCVICTLR                       0x080
46 #define TRCVIIECTLR                     0x084
47 #define TRCVISSCTLR                     0x088
48 #define TRCVIPCSSCTLR                   0x08C
49 #define TRCVDCTLR                       0x0A0
50 #define TRCVDSACCTLR                    0x0A4
51 #define TRCVDARCCTLR                    0x0A8
52 /* Derived resources registers */
53 #define TRCSEQEVRn(n)                   (0x100 + (n * 4))
54 #define TRCSEQRSTEVR                    0x118
55 #define TRCSEQSTR                       0x11C
56 #define TRCEXTINSELR                    0x120
57 #define TRCCNTRLDVRn(n)                 (0x140 + (n * 4))
58 #define TRCCNTCTLRn(n)                  (0x150 + (n * 4))
59 #define TRCCNTVRn(n)                    (0x160 + (n * 4))
60 /* ID registers */
61 #define TRCIDR8                         0x180
62 #define TRCIDR9                         0x184
63 #define TRCIDR10                        0x188
64 #define TRCIDR11                        0x18C
65 #define TRCIDR12                        0x190
66 #define TRCIDR13                        0x194
67 #define TRCIMSPEC0                      0x1C0
68 #define TRCIMSPECn(n)                   (0x1C0 + (n * 4))
69 #define TRCIDR0                         0x1E0
70 #define TRCIDR1                         0x1E4
71 #define TRCIDR2                         0x1E8
72 #define TRCIDR3                         0x1EC
73 #define TRCIDR4                         0x1F0
74 #define TRCIDR5                         0x1F4
75 #define TRCIDR6                         0x1F8
76 #define TRCIDR7                         0x1FC
77 /* Resource selection registers */
78 #define TRCRSCTLRn(n)                   (0x200 + (n * 4))
79 /* Single-shot comparator registers */
80 #define TRCSSCCRn(n)                    (0x280 + (n * 4))
81 #define TRCSSCSRn(n)                    (0x2A0 + (n * 4))
82 #define TRCSSPCICRn(n)                  (0x2C0 + (n * 4))
83 /* Management registers (0x300-0x314) */
84 #define TRCOSLAR                        0x300
85 #define TRCOSLSR                        0x304
86 #define TRCPDCR                         0x310
87 #define TRCPDSR                         0x314
88 /* Trace registers (0x318-0xEFC) */
89 /* Comparator registers */
90 #define TRCACVRn(n)                     (0x400 + (n * 8))
91 #define TRCACATRn(n)                    (0x480 + (n * 8))
92 #define TRCDVCVRn(n)                    (0x500 + (n * 16))
93 #define TRCDVCMRn(n)                    (0x580 + (n * 16))
94 #define TRCCIDCVRn(n)                   (0x600 + (n * 8))
95 #define TRCVMIDCVRn(n)                  (0x640 + (n * 8))
96 #define TRCCIDCCTLR0                    0x680
97 #define TRCCIDCCTLR1                    0x684
98 #define TRCVMIDCCTLR0                   0x688
99 #define TRCVMIDCCTLR1                   0x68C
100 /* Management register (0xF00) */
101 /* Integration control registers */
102 #define TRCITCTRL                       0xF00
103 /* Trace registers (0xFA0-0xFA4) */
104 /* Claim tag registers */
105 #define TRCCLAIMSET                     0xFA0
106 #define TRCCLAIMCLR                     0xFA4
107 /* Management registers (0xFA8-0xFFC) */
108 #define TRCDEVAFF0                      0xFA8
109 #define TRCDEVAFF1                      0xFAC
110 #define TRCLAR                          0xFB0
111 #define TRCLSR                          0xFB4
112 #define TRCAUTHSTATUS                   0xFB8
113 #define TRCDEVARCH                      0xFBC
114 #define TRCDEVID                        0xFC8
115 #define TRCDEVTYPE                      0xFCC
116 #define TRCPIDR4                        0xFD0
117 #define TRCPIDR5                        0xFD4
118 #define TRCPIDR6                        0xFD8
119 #define TRCPIDR7                        0xFDC
120 #define TRCPIDR0                        0xFE0
121 #define TRCPIDR1                        0xFE4
122 #define TRCPIDR2                        0xFE8
123 #define TRCPIDR3                        0xFEC
124 #define TRCCIDR0                        0xFF0
125 #define TRCCIDR1                        0xFF4
126 #define TRCCIDR2                        0xFF8
127 #define TRCCIDR3                        0xFFC
129 /* ETMv4 resources */
130 #define ETM_MAX_NR_PE                   8
131 #define ETMv4_MAX_CNTR                  4
132 #define ETM_MAX_SEQ_STATES              4
133 #define ETM_MAX_EXT_INP_SEL             4
134 #define ETM_MAX_EXT_INP                 256
135 #define ETM_MAX_EXT_OUT                 4
136 #define ETM_MAX_SINGLE_ADDR_CMP         16
138 #define ETM_MAX_DATA_VAL_CMP            8
139 #define ETMv4_MAX_CTXID_CMP             8
140 #define ETM_MAX_VMID_CMP                8
141 #define ETM_MAX_PE_CMP                  8
142 #define ETM_MAX_RES_SEL                 16
143 #define ETM_MAX_SS_CMP                  8
145 #define ETM_ARCH_V4                     0x40
146 #define ETMv4_SYNC_MASK                 0x1F
147 #define ETM_CYC_THRESHOLD_MASK          0xFFF
148 #define ETMv4_EVENT_MASK                0xFF
149 #define ETM_CNTR_MAX_VAL                0xFFFF
150 #define ETM_TRACEID_MASK                0x3f
152 /* ETMv4 programming modes */
153 #define ETM_MODE_EXCLUDE                BIT(0)
154 #define ETM_MODE_LOAD                   BIT(1)
155 #define ETM_MODE_STORE                  BIT(2)
156 #define ETM_MODE_LOAD_STORE             BIT(3)
157 #define ETM_MODE_BB                     BIT(4)
158 #define ETMv4_MODE_CYCACC               BIT(5)
159 #define ETMv4_MODE_CTXID                BIT(6)
160 #define ETM_MODE_VMID                   BIT(7)
161 #define ETM_MODE_COND(val)              BMVAL(val, 8, 10)
162 #define ETMv4_MODE_TIMESTAMP            BIT(11)
163 #define ETM_MODE_RETURNSTACK            BIT(12)
164 #define ETM_MODE_QELEM(val)             BMVAL(val, 13, 14)
165 #define ETM_MODE_DATA_TRACE_ADDR        BIT(15)
166 #define ETM_MODE_DATA_TRACE_VAL         BIT(16)
167 #define ETM_MODE_ISTALL                 BIT(17)
168 #define ETM_MODE_DSTALL                 BIT(18)
169 #define ETM_MODE_ATB_TRIGGER            BIT(19)
170 #define ETM_MODE_LPOVERRIDE             BIT(20)
171 #define ETM_MODE_ISTALL_EN              BIT(21)
172 #define ETM_MODE_DSTALL_EN              BIT(22)
173 #define ETM_MODE_INSTPRIO               BIT(23)
174 #define ETM_MODE_NOOVERFLOW             BIT(24)
175 #define ETM_MODE_TRACE_RESET            BIT(25)
176 #define ETM_MODE_TRACE_ERR              BIT(26)
178 #define ETMv4_MODE_ALL                  0xFFFFFFF
180 #define TRCSTATR_IDLE_BIT               0
181 #define ETM_DEFAULT_ADDR_COMP           0
183 /* secure state access levels */
184 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_S_APP               BIT(8)
185 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_S_OS                BIT(9)
186 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_S_NA                BIT(10)
187 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_S_HYP               BIT(11)
188 /* non-secure state access levels */
189 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_NS_APP              BIT(12)
190 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_NS_OS               BIT(13)
191 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_NS_HYP              BIT(14)
192 #define ETM_EXLEVEL_NS_NA               BIT(15)
194 /**
195  * struct etmv4_config - configuration information related to an ETMv4
196  * @mode:       Controls various modes supported by this ETM.
197  * @pe_sel:     Controls which PE to trace.
198  * @cfg:        Controls the tracing options.
199  * @eventctrl0: Controls the tracing of arbitrary events.
200  * @eventctrl1: Controls the behavior of the events that @event_ctrl0 selects.
201  * @stallctl:   If functionality that prevents trace unit buffer overflows
202  *              is available.
203  * @ts_ctrl:    Controls the insertion of global timestamps in the
204  *              trace streams.
205  * @syncfreq:   Controls how often trace synchronization requests occur.
206  *              the TRCCCCTLR register.
207  * @ccctlr:     Sets the threshold value for cycle counting.
208  * @vinst_ctrl: Controls instruction trace filtering.
209  * @viiectlr:   Set or read, the address range comparators.
210  * @vissctlr:   Set, or read, the single address comparators that control the
211  *              ViewInst start-stop logic.
212  * @vipcssctlr: Set, or read, which PE comparator inputs can control the
213  *              ViewInst start-stop logic.
214  * @seq_idx:    Sequencor index selector.
215  * @seq_ctrl:   Control for the sequencer state transition control register.
216  * @seq_rst:    Moves the sequencer to state 0 when a programmed event occurs.
217  * @seq_state:  Set, or read the sequencer state.
218  * @cntr_idx:   Counter index seletor.
219  * @cntrldvr:   Sets or returns the reload count value for a counter.
220  * @cntr_ctrl:  Controls the operation of a counter.
221  * @cntr_val:   Sets or returns the value for a counter.
222  * @res_idx:    Resource index selector.
223  * @res_ctrl:   Controls the selection of the resources in the trace unit.
224  * @ss_ctrl:    Controls the corresponding single-shot comparator resource.
225  * @ss_status:  The status of the corresponding single-shot comparator.
226  * @ss_pe_cmp:  Selects the PE comparator inputs for Single-shot control.
227  * @addr_idx:   Address comparator index selector.
228  * @addr_val:   Value for address comparator.
229  * @addr_acc:   Address comparator access type.
230  * @addr_type:  Current status of the comparator register.
231  * @ctxid_idx:  Context ID index selector.
232  * @ctxid_pid:  Value of the context ID comparator.
233  * @ctxid_vpid: Virtual PID seen by users if PID namespace is enabled, otherwise
234  *              the same value of ctxid_pid.
235  * @ctxid_mask0:Context ID comparator mask for comparator 0-3.
236  * @ctxid_mask1:Context ID comparator mask for comparator 4-7.
237  * @vmid_idx:   VM ID index selector.
238  * @vmid_val:   Value of the VM ID comparator.
239  * @vmid_mask0: VM ID comparator mask for comparator 0-3.
240  * @vmid_mask1: VM ID comparator mask for comparator 4-7.
241  * @ext_inp:    External input selection.
242  */
243 struct etmv4_config {
244         u32                             mode;
245         u32                             pe_sel;
246         u32                             cfg;
247         u32                             eventctrl0;
248         u32                             eventctrl1;
249         u32                             stall_ctrl;
250         u32                             ts_ctrl;
251         u32                             syncfreq;
252         u32                             ccctlr;
253         u32                             bb_ctrl;
254         u32                             vinst_ctrl;
255         u32                             viiectlr;
256         u32                             vissctlr;
257         u32                             vipcssctlr;
258         u8                              seq_idx;
259         u32                             seq_ctrl[ETM_MAX_SEQ_STATES];
260         u32                             seq_rst;
261         u32                             seq_state;
262         u8                              cntr_idx;
263         u32                             cntrldvr[ETMv4_MAX_CNTR];
264         u32                             cntr_ctrl[ETMv4_MAX_CNTR];
265         u32                             cntr_val[ETMv4_MAX_CNTR];
266         u8                              res_idx;
267         u32                             res_ctrl[ETM_MAX_RES_SEL];
268         u32                             ss_ctrl[ETM_MAX_SS_CMP];
269         u32                             ss_status[ETM_MAX_SS_CMP];
270         u32                             ss_pe_cmp[ETM_MAX_SS_CMP];
271         u8                              addr_idx;
272         u64                             addr_val[ETM_MAX_SINGLE_ADDR_CMP];
273         u64                             addr_acc[ETM_MAX_SINGLE_ADDR_CMP];
274         u8                              addr_type[ETM_MAX_SINGLE_ADDR_CMP];
275         u8                              ctxid_idx;
276         u64                             ctxid_pid[ETMv4_MAX_CTXID_CMP];
277         u64                             ctxid_vpid[ETMv4_MAX_CTXID_CMP];
278         u32                             ctxid_mask0;
279         u32                             ctxid_mask1;
280         u8                              vmid_idx;
281         u64                             vmid_val[ETM_MAX_VMID_CMP];
282         u32                             vmid_mask0;
283         u32                             vmid_mask1;
284         u32                             ext_inp;
285 };
287 /**
288  * struct etm4_drvdata - specifics associated to an ETM component
289  * @base:       Memory mapped base address for this component.
290  * @dev:        The device entity associated to this component.
291  * @csdev:      Component vitals needed by the framework.
292  * @spinlock:   Only one at a time pls.
293  * @cpu:        The cpu this component is affined to.
294  * @arch:       ETM version number.
295  * @nr_pe:      The number of processing entity available for tracing.
296  * @nr_pe_cmp:  The number of processing entity comparator inputs that are
297  *              available for tracing.
298  * @nr_addr_cmp:Number of pairs of address comparators available
299  *              as found in ETMIDR4 0-3.
300  * @nr_cntr:    Number of counters as found in ETMIDR5 bit 28-30.
301  * @nr_ext_inp: Number of external input.
302  * @numcidc:    Number of contextID comparators.
303  * @numvmidc:   Number of VMID comparators.
304  * @nrseqstate: The number of sequencer states that are implemented.
305  * @nr_event:   Indicates how many events the trace unit support.
306  * @nr_resource:The number of resource selection pairs available for tracing.
307  * @nr_ss_cmp:  Number of single-shot comparator controls that are available.
308  * @trcid:      value of the current ID for this component.
309  * @trcid_size: Indicates the trace ID width.
310  * @ts_size:    Global timestamp size field.
311  * @ctxid_size: Size of the context ID field to consider.
312  * @vmid_size:  Size of the VM ID comparator to consider.
313  * @ccsize:     Indicates the size of the cycle counter in bits.
314  * @ccitmin:    minimum value that can be programmed in
315  * @s_ex_level: In secure state, indicates whether instruction tracing is
316  *              supported for the corresponding Exception level.
317  * @ns_ex_level:In non-secure state, indicates whether instruction tracing is
318  *              supported for the corresponding Exception level.
319  * @enable:     Is this ETM currently tracing.
320  * @sticky_enable: true if ETM base configuration has been done.
321  * @boot_enable:True if we should start tracing at boot time.
322  * @os_unlock:  True if access to management registers is allowed.
323  * @instrp0:    Tracing of load and store instructions
324  *              as P0 elements is supported.
325  * @trcbb:      Indicates if the trace unit supports branch broadcast tracing.
326  * @trccond:    If the trace unit supports conditional
327  *              instruction tracing.
328  * @retstack:   Indicates if the implementation supports a return stack.
329  * @trccci:     Indicates if the trace unit supports cycle counting
330  *              for instruction.
331  * @q_support:  Q element support characteristics.
332  * @trc_error:  Whether a trace unit can trace a system
333  *              error exception.
334  * @syncpr:     Indicates if an implementation has a fixed
335  *              synchronization period.
336  * @stall_ctrl: Enables trace unit functionality that prevents trace
337  *              unit buffer overflows.
338  * @sysstall:   Does the system support stall control of the PE?
339  * @nooverflow: Indicate if overflow prevention is supported.
340  * @atbtrig:    If the implementation can support ATB triggers
341  * @lpoverride: If the implementation can support low-power state over.
342  * @config:     structure holding configuration parameters.
343  */
344 struct etmv4_drvdata {
345         void __iomem                    *base;
346         struct device                   *dev;
347         struct coresight_device         *csdev;
348         spinlock_t                      spinlock;
349         int                             cpu;
350         u8                              arch;
351         u8                              nr_pe;
352         u8                              nr_pe_cmp;
353         u8                              nr_addr_cmp;
354         u8                              nr_cntr;
355         u8                              nr_ext_inp;
356         u8                              numcidc;
357         u8                              numvmidc;
358         u8                              nrseqstate;
359         u8                              nr_event;
360         u8                              nr_resource;
361         u8                              nr_ss_cmp;
362         u8                              trcid;
363         u8                              trcid_size;
364         u8                              ts_size;
365         u8                              ctxid_size;
366         u8                              vmid_size;
367         u8                              ccsize;
368         u8                              ccitmin;
369         u8                              s_ex_level;
370         u8                              ns_ex_level;
371         bool                            enable;
372         bool                            sticky_enable;
373         bool                            boot_enable;
374         bool                            os_unlock;
375         bool                            instrp0;
376         bool                            trcbb;
377         bool                            trccond;
378         bool                            retstack;
379         bool                            trccci;
380         bool                            q_support;
381         bool                            trc_error;
382         bool                            syncpr;
383         bool                            stallctl;
384         bool                            sysstall;
385         bool                            nooverflow;
386         bool                            atbtrig;
387         bool                            lpoverride;
388         struct etmv4_config             config;
389 };
391 /* Address comparator access types */
392 enum etm_addr_acctype {
393         ETM_INSTR_ADDR,
394         ETM_DATA_LOAD_ADDR,
395         ETM_DATA_STORE_ADDR,
397 };
399 /* Address comparator context types */
400 enum etm_addr_ctxtype {
401         ETM_CTX_NONE,
402         ETM_CTX_CTXID,
403         ETM_CTX_VMID,
404         ETM_CTX_CTXID_VMID,
405 };
407 enum etm_addr_type {
408         ETM_ADDR_TYPE_NONE,
410         ETM_ADDR_TYPE_RANGE,
411         ETM_ADDR_TYPE_START,
412         ETM_ADDR_TYPE_STOP,
413 };
415 extern const struct attribute_group *coresight_etmv4_groups[];
416 #endif