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17   content="A glossary of terms used with the LLVM project.">
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20 <div class="doc_title">The LLVM Lexicon</div>
21 <p class="doc_warning">NOTE: This document is a work in progress!</p>
22 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
23 <div class="doc_section">Table Of Contents</div>
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25 <div class="doc_text">
26   <table>
27     <tr><td colspan="8"><b>- A -</b></td></tr>
28     <tr>
29       <td><a href="#ADCE">ADCE</a></td>
30       <td></td>
31       <td></td>
32     </tr>
33   </table>
34 </div>
36 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
37 <div class="doc_section">Definitions</div>
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40 <div class="doc_subsection"><a name="A">- A -</a></div>
41 <div class="doc_text">
42   <dl>
43     <dt><b>ADCE</b></dt>
44     <dd><u>A</u>ggressive <u>D</u>ead <u>C</u>ode <u>E</u>limination</dd>
45   </dl>
46 </div>
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54  href="http://llvm.org/">The LLVM Team</a><br>
55 <a href="http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
56 Last modified: $Date$
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