fix some bugs in multi-core version codes generation and runtime
[IRC.git] / Robust / src / Analysis / Scheduling /
1 package Analysis.Scheduling;
3 import;
4 import;
5 import;
6 import java.util.Collection;
7 import java.util.Enumeration;
8 import java.util.HashSet;
9 import java.util.Hashtable;
10 import java.util.Iterator;
11 import java.util.Set;
12 import java.util.Vector;
13 import java.util.Map.Entry;
15 import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleSimulator.Action;
16 import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleSimulator.CheckPoint;
17 import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.Allocations;
18 import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FEdge;
19 import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FlagState;
20 import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FEdge.NewObjInfo;
21 import IR.ClassDescriptor;
22 import IR.Operation;
23 import IR.Tree.FlagExpressionNode;
24 import IR.Tree.FlagNode;
25 import IR.Tree.FlagOpNode;
26 import Util.Edge;
27 import Util.GraphNode;
28 import Util.Namer;
30 public class SchedulingUtil {
32     /*public static int maxDivisor(int l, int r) {
33         int a = l;
34         int b = r;
35         int c = 0;
37         while(true) {
38             if(a == 0) {
39                 return b << c;
40             } else if(b == 0) {
41                 return a << c;
42             }
44             if(((a&1)==0) && ((b&1)==0)) {
45                 // a and b are both even
46                 a >>= 1;
47                 b >>= 1;
48                 ++c;
49             } else if(((a&1)==0) && ((b&1)!=0)) {
50                 // a is even, b is odd
51                 a >>= 1;
52             } else if (((a&1)!=0) && ((b&1)==0)) {
53                 // a is odd, b is even
54                 b >>= 1;
55             } else if (((a&1)!=0) && ((b&1)!=0)) {
56                 // a and b are both odd
57                 int tmp = a>b? b:a;
58                 a = a>b ? (a-b):(b-a);
59                 b = tmp;
60             }
61         }
62     }*/
64     public static boolean isTaskTrigger_flag(FlagExpressionNode fen,FlagState fs) {
65         if (fen==null)
66             return true;
67         else if (fen instanceof FlagNode)
68             return fs.get(((FlagNode)fen).getFlag());
69         else
70             switch (((FlagOpNode)fen).getOp().getOp()) {
71             case Operation.LOGIC_AND:
72                 return ((isTaskTrigger_flag(((FlagOpNode)fen).getLeft(),fs)) && (isTaskTrigger_flag(((FlagOpNode)fen).getRight(),fs)));
73             case Operation.LOGIC_OR:
74                 return ((isTaskTrigger_flag(((FlagOpNode)fen).getLeft(),fs)) || (isTaskTrigger_flag(((FlagOpNode)fen).getRight(),fs)));
75             case Operation.LOGIC_NOT:
76                 return !(isTaskTrigger_flag(((FlagOpNode)fen).getLeft(),fs));
77             default:
78                 return false;
79             }
80     }
82     public static void printScheduleGraph(String path, Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes) {
83         try {
84             File file=new File(path);
85             FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(file,false);
86             PrintWriter output = new, true);
87             output.println("digraph G {");
88             output.println("\tcompound=true;\n");
89             traverseSNodes(output, sNodes);
90             output.println("}\n");   
91             output.close();
92         } catch (Exception e) {
93             e.printStackTrace();
94             System.exit(-1);
95         }
96     }
98     private static void traverseSNodes(PrintWriter output, Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes){
99         //Draw clusters representing ScheduleNodes
100         Iterator it = sNodes.iterator();
101         while (it.hasNext()) {
102             ScheduleNode gn = (ScheduleNode);
103             Iterator edges = gn.edges();
104             output.println("\tsubgraph " + gn.getLabel() + "{");
105             output.println("\t\tlabel=\"" + gn.getTextLabel() + "\";");
106             Iterator it_cnodes = gn.getClassNodesIterator();
107             traverseCNodes(output, it_cnodes);
108             //Draw the internal 'new' edges
109             Iterator it_edges =gn.getScheduleEdgesIterator();
110             while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
111                 ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
112                 output.print("\t");
113                 if(se.getSourceCNode().isclone()) {
114                     output.print(se.getSourceCNode().getLabel());
115                 } else {
116                     if(se.getSourceFState() == null) {
117                         output.print(se.getSourceCNode().getClusterLabel());
118                     } else {
119                         output.print(se.getSourceFState().getLabel());
120                     }
121                 }
123                 output.print(" -> ");
124                 if(se.isclone()) {
125                     if(se.getTargetCNode().isclone()) {
126                         output.print(se.getTargetCNode().getLabel());
127                     } else {
128                         output.print(se.getTargetCNode().getClusterLabel());
129                     }
130                     output.println(" [label=\"" + se.getLabel() + "\", color=red];");
131                 } else {
132                     output.print(se.getTargetFState().getLabel() + " [label=\"" + se.getLabel() + "\", color=red, ltail=");
133                     if(se.getSourceCNode().isclone()) {
134                         output.println(se.getSourceCNode().getLabel() + "];");
135                     } else {
136                         output.println(se.getSourceCNode().getClusterLabel() + "];");
137                     }
138                 }
139             }
140             output.println("\t}\n");
141             //Draw 'new' edges of this ScheduleNode
142             while(edges.hasNext()) {
143                 ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
144                 output.print("\t");
145                 if(se.getSourceCNode().isclone()) {
146                     output.print(se.getSourceCNode().getLabel());
147                 } else {
148                     if(se.getSourceFState() == null) {
149                         output.print(se.getSourceCNode().getClusterLabel());
150                     } else {
151                         output.print(se.getSourceFState().getLabel());
152                     }
153                 }
155                 output.print(" -> ");
156                 if(se.isclone()) {
157                     if(se.getTargetCNode().isclone()) {
158                         output.print(se.getTargetCNode().getLabel());
159                     } else {
160                         output.print(se.getTargetCNode().getClusterLabel());
161                     }
162                     output.println(" [label=\"" + se.getLabel() + "\", color=red, style=dashed];");
163                 } else {
164                     output.println(se.getTargetFState().getLabel() + " [label=\"" + se.getLabel() + "\", color=red, style=dashed];");
165                 }
166             }
167         }
168     }
170     private static void traverseCNodes(PrintWriter output, Iterator it){
171         //Draw clusters representing ClassNodes
172         while (it.hasNext()) {
173             ClassNode gn = (ClassNode);
174             if(gn.isclone()) {
175                 output.println("\t\t" + gn.getLabel() + " [style=dashed, label=\"" + gn.getTextLabel() + "\", shape=box];");
176             } else {
177                 output.println("\tsubgraph " + gn.getClusterLabel() + "{");
178                 output.println("\t\tstyle=dashed;");
179                 output.println("\t\tlabel=\"" + gn.getTextLabel() + "\";");
180                 traverseFlagStates(output, gn.getFlagStates());
181                 output.println("\t}\n");
182             }
183         }
184     }
186     private static void traverseFlagStates(PrintWriter output, Collection nodes) {
187         Set cycleset=GraphNode.findcycles(nodes);
188         Vector namers=new Vector();
189         namers.add(new Namer());
190         namers.add(new Allocations());
192         Iterator it = nodes.iterator();
193         while (it.hasNext()) {
194             GraphNode gn = (GraphNode);
195             Iterator edges = gn.edges();
196             String label = "";
197             String dotnodeparams="";
199             for(int i=0;i<namers.size();i++) {  
200                 Namer name=(Namer) namers.get(i);
201                 String newlabel=name.nodeLabel(gn);
202                 String newparams=name.nodeOption(gn);
204                 if (!newlabel.equals("") && !label.equals("")) {
205                     label+=", ";
206                 }
207                 if (!newparams.equals("")) {
208                     dotnodeparams+=", " + name.nodeOption(gn);
209                 }
210                 label+=name.nodeLabel(gn);
211             }
212             label += ":[" + ((FlagState)gn).getExeTime() + "]";
214             if (!gn.merge)
215                 output.println("\t" + gn.getLabel() + " [label=\"" + label + "\"" + dotnodeparams + "];");
217             if (!gn.merge)
218                 while (edges.hasNext()) {
219                     Edge edge = (Edge);
220                     GraphNode node = edge.getTarget();
221                     if (nodes.contains(node)) {
222                         for(Iterator nodeit=nonmerge(node, nodes).iterator();nodeit.hasNext();) {
223                             GraphNode node2=(GraphNode);
224                             String edgelabel = "";
225                             String edgedotnodeparams="";
227                             for(int i=0;i<namers.size();i++) {
228                                 Namer name=(Namer) namers.get(i);
229                                 String newlabel=name.edgeLabel(edge);
230                                 String newoption=name.edgeOption(edge);
231                                 if (!newlabel.equals("")&& ! edgelabel.equals(""))
232                                     edgelabel+=", ";
233                                 edgelabel+=newlabel;
234                                 if (!newoption.equals(""))
235                                     edgedotnodeparams+=", "+newoption;
236                             }
237                             edgelabel+=":[" + ((FEdge)edge).getExeTime() + "]";
238                             Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, NewObjInfo> hashtable = ((FEdge)edge).getNewObjInfoHashtable();
239                             if(hashtable != null) {
240                                 Set<ClassDescriptor> keys = hashtable.keySet();
241                                 Iterator it_keys = keys.iterator();
242                                 while(it_keys.hasNext()) {
243                                     ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor);
244                                     NewObjInfo noi = hashtable.get(cd);
245                                     edgelabel += ":{ class " + cd.getSymbol() + " | " + noi.getNewRate() + " | (" + noi.getProbability() + "%) }";
246                                 }
247                             }
248                             output.println("\t" + gn.getLabel() + " -> " + node2.getLabel() + " [" + "label=\"" + edgelabel + "\"" + edgedotnodeparams + "];");
249                         }
250                     }
251                 }
252         }
253     }
255     private static Set nonmerge(GraphNode gn, Collection nodes) {
256         HashSet newset=new HashSet();
257         HashSet toprocess=new HashSet();
258         toprocess.add(gn);
259         while(!toprocess.isEmpty()) {
260             GraphNode gn2=(GraphNode)toprocess.iterator().next();
261             toprocess.remove(gn2);
262             if (!gn2.merge)
263                 newset.add(gn2);
264             else {
265                 Iterator edges = gn2.edges();
266                 while (edges.hasNext()) {
267                     Edge edge = (Edge);
268                     GraphNode node = edge.getTarget();
269                     if (!newset.contains(node)&&nodes.contains(node))
270                         toprocess.add(node);
271                 }
272             }
273         }
274         return newset;
275     }
277     public static void printSimulationResult(String path, int time, int coreNum, Vector<CheckPoint> checkpoints) {
278         try {
279             File file=new File(path);
280             FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(file,false);
281             PrintWriter output = new, true);
282             output.println("digraph simulation{");
283             output.print("\t");
284             output.println("node [shape=plaintext];");
285             output.print("\t");
286             output.println("edge [dir=none];");
287             output.print("\t");
288             output.println("ranksep=.05;");
289             output.println();
290             output.print("\t");
291             int j = 0;
293             // the capital line
294             output.print("{rank=source; \"Time\"; ");
295             for(j = 0; j < coreNum; j++) {
296                 output.print("\"core " + j + "\"; ");
297             }
298             output.println("}");
299             // time coordinate nodes
300             Vector<String> timeNodes = new Vector<String>();
301             String[] lastTaskNodes = new String[coreNum];
302             String[] lastTasks = new String[coreNum];
303             boolean[] isTaskFinish = new boolean[coreNum];
304             for(j = 0; j < coreNum; j++) {
305                 lastTaskNodes[j] = "first";
306                 isTaskFinish[j] = true;
307                 lastTasks[j] = "";
308             }
309             timeNodes.add("0");
310             for(j = 0; j < checkpoints.size(); j++) {
311                 CheckPoint tcp = checkpoints.elementAt(j);
312                 Hashtable<Integer, String> tmplastTasks = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
313                 Vector<Integer> tmpisTaskFinish = new Vector<Integer>();
314                 Vector<Integer> tmpisset = new Vector<Integer>();
315                 String tnode = String.valueOf(tcp.getTimepoint());
316                 if(!timeNodes.contains(tnode)) {
317                     timeNodes.add(tnode);
318                 }
319                 Vector<Action> actions = tcp.getActions();
320                 Hashtable<String, StringBuffer> tmpTaskNodes = new Hashtable<String, StringBuffer>();
321                 for(int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) {
322                     Action taction = actions.elementAt(i);
323                     int cNum = taction.getCoreNum();
324                     if(!tmplastTasks.contains(cNum)) {
325                         tmplastTasks.put(cNum, lastTasks[cNum]);
326                     }
327                     if(!(tmpisset.contains(cNum)) && (isTaskFinish[cNum]) && !(tmpisTaskFinish.contains(cNum))) {
328                         tmpisTaskFinish.add(cNum); // records those with task finished the first time visit it
329                     }
330                     String tmpTaskNode = "\"" + tnode + "core" + cNum + "\"";
331                     StringBuffer tmpLabel = null;
332                     boolean isfirst = false;
333                     if(!tmpTaskNodes.containsKey(tmpTaskNode)) {
334                         tmpTaskNodes.put(tmpTaskNode, new StringBuffer(tnode + ":"));
335                         isfirst = true;
336                     }
337                     tmpLabel = tmpTaskNodes.get(tmpTaskNode);
338                     switch(taction.getType()){
339                     case Action.ADDOBJ: {
340                         if(!isfirst) {
341                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
342                         }
343                         tmpLabel.append("(" + taction.getTransObj().getSymbol() + ")arrives;");
344                         if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
345                             output.print("\t");
346                             if(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first")) {
347                                 output.print("\"core " + cNum + "\"->" + tmpTaskNode);
348                             } else {
349                                 output.print(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode);
350                             }
351                             if(tmpisTaskFinish.contains(cNum)) {
352                                 output.print(" [style=invis]");
353                             }
354                             output.println(";");
355                             lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
356                         }
357                         break;
358                     }
359                     case Action.TASKFINISH: {
360                         if(!isfirst) {
361                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
362                         }
363                         tmpLabel.append("<" + taction.getTd().getSymbol() + ">finishes;");
364                         if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first"))) {
365                             if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
366                                 output.print("\t");
367                                 output.println(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode + ";");
368                                 lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
369                             }
370                             if(tmpisset.contains(cNum)) {
371                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] &= true;
372                             } else {
373                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] = true;
374                                 tmpisset.add(cNum);
375                             }
376                             lastTasks[cNum] = "";
377                         } else {
378                             throw new Exception("Error: unexpected task finish");
379                         }
380                         break;
381                     }
382                     case Action.TFWITHOBJ: {
383                         if(!isfirst) {
384                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
385                         }
386                         tmpLabel.append("<" + taction.getTd().getSymbol() + ">finishes; ");
387                         Iterator<Entry<ClassDescriptor, Integer>> it_entry = (Iterator<Entry<ClassDescriptor, Integer>>)taction.getNObjs().entrySet().iterator();
388                         while(it_entry.hasNext()) {
389                             Entry<ClassDescriptor, Integer> entry =;
390                             tmpLabel.append(entry.getValue() + "(" + entry.getKey().getSymbol() + ")");
391                             if(it_entry.hasNext()) {
392                                 tmpLabel.append(",");
393                             } else {
394                                 tmpLabel.append(";");
395                             }
396                         }
397                         if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first"))) {
398                             if (!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
399                                 output.print("\t");
400                                 output.println(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode + ";");
401                                 lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
402                             }
403                             if(tmpisset.contains(cNum)) {
404                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] &= true;
405                             } else {
406                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] = true;
407                                 tmpisset.add(cNum);
408                             }
409                             lastTasks[cNum] = "";
410                         } else {
411                             throw new Exception("Error: unexpected task finish");
412                         }
413                         break;
414                     }
415                     case Action.TASKSTART: {
416                         if(!isfirst) {
417                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
418                         }
419                         tmpLabel.append("<" + taction.getTd().getSymbol() + ">starts;");
420                         lastTasks[cNum] = taction.getTd().getSymbol();
422                         if (!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
423                             output.print("\t");
424                             if(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first")) {
425                                 output.print("\"core " + cNum + "\"->" + tmpTaskNode);
426                             } else {
427                                 output.print(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode);
428                             }
429                             if(tmpisTaskFinish.contains(cNum)) {
430                                 output.print(" [style=invis]");
431                             }
432                             output.println(";");
433                             lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
434                         }
435                         isTaskFinish[cNum] &= false;
436                         break;
437                     }
438                     case Action.TASKABORT: {
439                         if(!isfirst) {
440                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
441                         }
442                         tmpLabel.append("<" + taction.getTd().getSymbol() + ">aborts;");
443                         if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first")) && 
444                                 (tmplastTasks.get(cNum).equals(taction.getTd().getSymbol()))) {
445                             if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
446                                 output.print("\t");
447                                 output.println(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode + ";");
448                                 lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
449                             }
450                             if(tmpisset.contains(cNum)) {
451                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] &= true;
452                             } else {
453                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] = true;
454                                 tmpisset.add(cNum);
455                             }
456                             lastTasks[cNum] = "";
457                         } else {
458                             throw new Exception("Error: unexpected task aborts");
459                         }
460                         break;
461                     }
462                     case Action.TASKREMOVE: {
463                         if(!isfirst) {
464                             tmpLabel.append("\\n");
465                         }
466                         tmpLabel.append("<" + taction.getTd().getSymbol() + ">removes;");
467                         if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals("first")) &&
468                                 (tmplastTasks.get(cNum).equals(taction.getTd().getSymbol()))) {
469                             if(!(lastTaskNodes[cNum].equals(tmpTaskNode))) {
470                                 output.print("\t");
471                                 output.println(lastTaskNodes[cNum] + "->" + tmpTaskNode + ";");
472                                 lastTaskNodes[cNum] = tmpTaskNode;
473                             }
474                             if(tmpisset.contains(cNum)) {
475                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] &= true;
476                             } else {
477                                 isTaskFinish[cNum] = true;
478                                 tmpisset.add(cNum);
479                             }
480                             lastTasks[cNum] = "";
481                         } else {
482                             throw new Exception("Error: unexpected task remove");
483                         }
484                         break;
485                     }
486                     }
487                 }
488                 Enumeration<String> keys = tmpTaskNodes.keys();
489                 while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
490                     String tmpTaskNode = keys.nextElement();
491                     output.print("\t");
492                     output.println(tmpTaskNode + "[label=\"" + tmpTaskNodes.get(tmpTaskNode).toString() + "\"]");
493                 }
494                 output.print("\t");
495                 output.print("{rank=same; rankdir=LR; " + tnode + "; ");
496                 keys = tmpTaskNodes.keys();
497                 while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
498                     String tmpTaskNode = keys.nextElement();
499                     output.print(tmpTaskNode);
500                     output.print("; ");
501                 }
502                 output.println("}");
503                 output.print("\t");
504             }
505             output.print("\t");
506             output.print("\t");
507             output.println("\"Time\"->" + timeNodes.elementAt(0) + "[style=invis];");
508             for(j = 0; j < time; j++) {
509                 output.print(j + "->");
510             }
511             output.println(timeNodes.lastElement() + ";");
512             output.println("}");
513             output.close();
514         } catch (Exception e) {
515             e.printStackTrace();
516             System.exit(-1);
517         }
518     }
519 }